Student Visa for Germany | Visa for Germany

Student-Visa-for-GermanyIf you want to carry out studies in Germany, you will need an entry visa (residence permit in the form of a visa). A visa is necessary under the law of immigration, the only exceptions are for candidates from countries of the European Union and the Member States which have made special
arrangements: Honduras, Iceland, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the UNITED STATES.
It is not allowed to enter the country on tourist
visas to study here. Wishing to enter the country of
study may apply for a visa for the purpose of study
or survey the visa. The visa must be issued prior
to entering the country. Therefore, it must submit a
proposal within a reasonable time. the competent authorities of the German Embassy or Consulate in
your country who can provide additional information.
Visa for the purpose of the study will be issued, if they have already been accepted for study in
Germany. A study of the applicant's visa (Visum Studienbewerber-) allows entry to the country
before the decision on admission to University or higher education studies, information on the site.
University applicants visa is especially important for candidates to the Hochschule für Musik and
theater (Faculty of music and drama), so that you can enter the country for examination entry. And
this type of visa can also be useful for applicants who wish to improve their language skills in
Germany, before beginning his studies. A study of the applicant's visa is limited to three months, but
can be converted with a visa, if you study to receive your admission to University or higher
education studies during this period.
Visa-for-GermanyFor both types of visas must have a valid passport, proof of financial resources for the period of study in Germany and have the
University admission (visa for the purpose of the study), or at least
confirmation of its status as a candidate (the study of the visa
applicant).Those who wish to study and enter into the country for
the applicant, the visa of study should be also noted, that would
demonstrate the place University or higher education studies in
Germany within  a period of three months, to obtain a residence

Student Visa for Germany | Visa for Germany Student Visa for Germany | Visa for Germany Reviewed by SVR on 3:20 AM Rating: 5
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