Education in London | Education System in London

Education in London:Free education for everyone
Education-in-LondonWhat were this campaign for students? Their signs read, "free education for everyone". Aren't these students are also idealistic, I wondered? Student protest organizers believe that education is a right, not a privilege. Instead of paying the fees, students should get a lease of life, they say. The cost of
financing of education then became rich instead.
For me would be my pragmatic consideration or education is free, so that Governments would have to make large sums of money to build schools and hire teachers and administrators and buy all the equipment necessary for schools to assign function. Where was all that money? Employees? Government investments? Our national reserves?
Living allowances should be given to students by alive? Or they ask for the Government to pay them to get to school? Well, if the United Kingdom a developing country, it would be a good idea because it literacy of the general population would improve. But the United Kingdom is one of the most developed countries of the European Union. Perhaps granting life would be the problems of various kinds, such as truancy relieve?
Best-Education-in-LondonBut as an educator at heart, I agree with the rationale of our universal education, but the richest class high taxes for the financing of education for the masses? Hmm ... now that's an interesting line of argument and belief system applied to the frame of education, even if it is not a new idea. But it's not like the wealthy not for his rich and amass your fortune?
Summer is the season of protest
According to my tutor summer seems to be a time of year for your nonsense and popular demonstrations. Seems to be a certain degree, see (, ( and ( for some examples of strikes which took place in the summer of 2008.
With the current credit crisis and economic recession, the frequency of such events increase. With, a visit to London in the summer of 2009.
Education in London | Education System in London Education in London | Education System in London Reviewed by SVR on 3:39 AM Rating: 5
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