Education in Singapore | Singapore Education System

School of education of Singapore Government-administered financial aid of education (MoE), Department of management,advisory role and supervision of private schools. Student degree curriculum, public assistance, financing, training and employment policy shifts is the autonomy of private and public schools.

Expenditure on education is education, and Government support for Singaporeans private educationand subsidizes non-high cost of Edusave programme, about 20% of the capital, usually is the annual
Free-Education-in-Singaporenational budget. law of compulsory education in 2000 (disabled), with the exception of compulsory education for children of primary school age and for parents of codified in crime he entered school and refusal to acknowledge the legal existence. Apply for exemption from the Ministry of education, parents permission exception or full religious  institutions must comply with minimum standards.

The main language of Singapore is English, it is the first language in education in 1987 specified. How the mainstream media when you find out that half the children reached school age English is the
Education-in-Singapore mother tongue in primary school. Chinese, Malay and Tamil  languages apart from English language and literature in those languages in almost all subjects of the official languages, English;no early English taught in these General steps to use the English  language. Encourage the widespread use of high school, at home,can in some schools, such as special assistance plan (Cap),occasionally teaching English and other languages. Some schools use English as a second language as a language subjects of mathematics, science and experiment with an integrated curriculum.
Singapore's education system is described as "world leader" and individual United Kingdom Michael

Gove of the Minister of Education Awards in 2009.
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