Education Courses in India | List of Education Courses in India

Education-Courses-in-IndiaDifferent Education courses provided in India play a key role in an individual's professional life.The study of a particular topic in a wider subject is known as a course. A course is a source to build the qualification.

Different Education courses offered in India are:-
  •  10 + 2 (Intermediate), 
  •  Undergraduate(Bachelor's Degree), 
  •  Postgraduate(Master's Degree), 
  •  Diploma, Certification Courses, 
  •   Associate Degrees, 
  •   Bachelor Degrees, 
  •   Specialist Degrees,
  •   Logisticians Degrees, 
  •   Engineering Degrees, 
  •   Professionals Ph.D. Degrees,
  •   Research Ph.D. Degrees, 
  •   M.Phil, 
  •    Ph.D.

 In fact, the student can find many education courses both at the graduate and postgraduate level.
Some of the graduate courses offered in India are Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM), Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science(IT), Bachelor of Fine Arts(BFA), etc.
Undergraduate is the first degree that the student studies, for example, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Science. Diploma and certificate courses are also undergraduate qualifications. A graduate is a student who has been awarded the Bachelor's Degree. Aspirants who have completed the bachelor's degree, that is to say, graduates can only go for postgraduate courses, as the postgraduate courses are an advanced study of undergraduate courses.
Education courses in India are offered in various fields such as the arts and social sciences, law, engineering, medical, business or journalism and mass communication. Some of the courses offered in India are Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM), Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science(IT), BFA, etc.
All aspirants can go for one of the above courses after successfully completing their intermediate or 10 + 2 exams. Basically, the bachelor's degree or undergraduate course in India is for a period of three years whereas some of the bachelor's degree programs such as medicine and engineering are for a period of four to five years.
The person who can not have a regular course of study can opt for distance education through open universities which are treated almost same as a regular bachelor's Degree to go for
further studies.The person can not go for regular courses and want to enhance his knowledge and qualification can join open Universities across India without wastage of academic year.

 UG & PG Courses in India:
Business Programmes primarily focus on how organization work, systems and processes in organizations and changing trends in the business environment.  These Business Courses also ensure that you will be equipped with relevant knowledge and be trained in skills, and attitude that will help you to perform effectively in highly competitive professions.  During these Management Courses, you will understand business concepts and theories through workshops, case studies, and assignments.
Education Courses in India | List of Education Courses in India Education Courses in India | List of Education Courses in India Reviewed by SVR on 10:37 PM Rating: 5
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