become the study mode of choice for many students who for whatever reason prefer off-campus to campus-based study. We are continually loading more online and distance education programs on this site to simplify your search. Browse the currently listed programs and visit the program provider's websites for their complete offering and further information.
Education System in Australia
* Overview of Education System
* Diagram of Education System
* Qualifications Framework
* Quality assurance of international education
Grading Systems
* Higher Education
* Technical and Vocational
* Secondary School
Higher education:
- Overview
- Courses and Qualifications
- Admission Requirments
- Type of Institutions
- Accreditation and Quality assurance
- Overview
- Courses and Qualifications
- Admission Requirements
- Types of Institutions
- Accreditation and Quality Assurance
- Administration
- Overview
- Specialist
- Technical and Vocational
- Overview
- Preschool
- Primary
- Secondary
- Have secured admission in Overseas Institutions
- Should be above 18 years of age
- Should be an Indian
- Age Proof
- Proof of Residence
- Family Income Proof
- Property Registration Papers
- Property Valuation Papers
- Certified copy of examinations passed & mark-sheets
- Proof of having secured admission in foreign institution
- Fee installment schedule as given to student by institution
- Valid Passport & Visa copy
Study and Benefits of Australian Education
Distance Education in Australia | Distance Learning in Australia
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